Trade House in
the United
Arab Emirates

The UAE acts as one of the most important trade and economic partners of Russia in the Middle East region. Having many years of experience and a wide network of contacts, we assist our clients in the export projects implementation.

About the Trade House in the UAE

Trade House in the UAE is an efficient body established to implement export projects of Russian companies in the new economic realities. It provides comprehensive assistance to Russian business in operating in the market of the United Arab Emirates and GCC countries (Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and Bahrain).

The goal of Trade House in the UAE is to promptly introduce Russian companies to new international markets; provide support in implementing export projects in a one-stop shop format; promote Russian companies in the UAE and GCC countries market.

Trade House in the UAE has been established at the initiative of Business Ambassador of Business Russia to the UAE Maksim Zagornov. Today, it brings together an international team of specialists with extensive experience in the Persian Gulf market. The offices of Business Russia Trade House in the UAE are located in the United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi, Dubai).


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Infrastructure facilities

Unsheltered warehouses with a total area of


Sheltered warehouses with a total area of


Office in Abu Dhabi

Core business

Market research and the analysis of companies’ availability for export activities
Selection of customers and partners in the UAE
Comprehensive promotion of companies in the UAE market
Real estate services
Organization of business missions to the UAE and GCC countries
Market research, industry expert evaluation, competitiveness assessment of products/services of companies



The company is a full-cycle logistics operator to provide the customers with a full range of logistics services using ground, sea, and air transport.


The company is a full-cycle logistics operator to provide the customers with a full range of logistics services using ground, sea, and air transport.

Prospects of export projects in the UAE

Today, the United Arab Emirates has become highly attractive for Russian companies. In the UAE, there are no taxes for personal income and corporate taxes (with the exception of oil companies and banks), there are no income taxes and low duty for imported goods. All mentioned above considerably simplifies trade in the United Arab Emirates and gives a chance to Russian companies to have a new prospective market for their goods and services.

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Implementation of investment projects in the Ivanovo region

ANO "Agency for attracting investments to the Ivanovo region"

Lighting systems for autonomous lighting

Trade House Energy – Saving Technologies LLC (TH EST LLC)

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Business Mission of the Business Russia to the UAE

A business mission will take place from September 26 through September 30, 2022. Its strategic aim will be to take part in the WETEX-2022 International Exhibition, to visit the key UAE Free Zones, to further expand the presence of Russian companies in the UAE market and to establish direct business contacts with stakeholders.

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Key events


Opening a company in the UAE

Against the backdrop of unfavorable political-economic conditions for business in 2022 and imposition of restrictive sanctions by a number of European states, the United Arab Emirates has become one of the most attractive countries for investment and formation of bilateral business relations. One of the most popular requests from Russian entrepreneurs in the spring of 2022 is related to a company opening in the UAE and business relocation to the Middle East market. Trade House in the UAE is ready to support in opening a company in the UAE on five possible options.

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